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CGenFFThis page was originally developed by Kenno Vanommeslaeghe here. |
University of Maryland, Baltimore |
./install.com gnu medium +CGENFF
where "gnu" and "medium" should be modified according to architecture and desired CHARMM size, resp. Version 34b2 can be compiled by cd-ing into your c34b2 directory and untarring this file before compilation (this will overwrite ./install.com, ./source/fcm/dimens.fcm and ./doc/preflx_list.doc). Older CHARMM version are not supported. Be advised that the CHARMM build system will not recompile affected modules after changing preprocessor settings! Because of this, you cannot recompile CHARMM with CGenFF support in a directory in which you previously compiled CHARMM without CGenFF support unless you do rm -r build/gnu lib/gnu
first (again, substituting "gnu" according to your needs). To test whether CHARMM was compiled with CGenFF support, run the following CHARMM script:
* check whether CHARMM was built with CGenFF support
echo ?CGENFF
If the CHARMM output file contains: RDCMND: can not substitute energy "?CGENFF"
then CGenFF support was not compiled in correctly.
read rtf card name @TOPPAR/top_all36_prot.rtf
read param card flex name @TOPPAR/par_all36_prot.prm
read rtf card append name @TOPPAR/top_all36_cgenff.rtf
read para card flex append name @TOPPAR/par_all36_cgenff.prm
stream toppar_water_ions.str
stream my_ligands.str