Group Pictures

CHARMM meeting

July 19-21, 2024

BPS meeting

February 11-14, 2024

Holiday Party at Pickles

December 13, 2023

Pickles Pub Group Outing

August 29, 2022

MacKerell group, August 2022

(Top - L to R): Alex, Anmol, Mingtian, Sul, Wenbo, Shashi

(Bot - L to R): Asuka, Yiling, Negar, Prabin

Sunhwan's Leaving party

April 6, 2022

MacKerell and Shen Group Meeting: Pandemic Times!

September 2, 2020

MacKerell Group, February 2020 and Farewell Mira!

February 21, 2020

The Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award

Congrats Fang-Yu for winning 2019 Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award for graduate students.

Happy 60th Birthday Boss! 2019

MacKerell group, August 2018

Front row (L to R): Alex, Asaminew, Ozge, Payal, Sunhwan, Himanshu.
Back row (L to R): Vinnie, Christoffer, Anmol, Kaushik, Wenbo, Brian, Tatsuya.

MacKerell Lab BBQ, 2018

Lemkul Lab's Visit, 2018

Prabhu's Farewell Party, 2015

Kenno's Farewell Picnic, 2015


Sound advice.

Pedro's Farewell Picnic, 2014


Alex is having fun!

Members of the group enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

From left to right: Chandra (Swaan's lab), Kenno, Chayan and Jihyun

See there is your mistake!

From left to right: Xiao and Victor

Say cheese, huh, what?

From left to right: Elizabeth and Olgun


From left to right: Elizabeth, Yeva and Kenno

Someone bet that he couldn't eat the burrito in one bite.

From left to right: Chayan and Xiao

Enjoying lunch at Salsaritas

From left to right: Shijun, Deva and Pedro

Holiday party, 2007

From left to right: Shijun, Chayan, Deva, Pedro, Alex, Xiao, Alba, Victor, Olgun, Denzil and Igor

Everyone CHEERS!

We have to get our aggression out somehow.

From left to right: Alex, back of Xiao's head, Victor sideview

I could be the next Vanna White, really! Poster presentation, Pharmacy Research Day.

From left to right: Kenno, Chandra (Swaan's lab), Victor

Chatting with an old friend

Alex talking with Regina Pietruszko (his former Ph.D. advisor) before his Grollman-Glick professorship award ceremony